Glabrous Pigs

Bibliography for Glabrous Pigs

Bonnemaison, J., Huffman, K. et al.(1996).  The decorated cloth from the Island of good yams and barkcloth. Arts of Vanuatu, Univ. of  Hawaii Press.  pp. 129-140.
Douglas, N.,(1990). Vanuatu. Pacific Profiles, Alstonville, NSW, Australia.
Groves, C.,(1981). Ancestors for the Pigs. Technical Bulletin No. 3., Dept. of Prehistory, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University Press
Fernandez, A. et al., (2003). Linkage Mapping of the porcine hairless gene (HR) to chromosome 14. International Society for Animal Genetics, Animal Genetics 34, 302-308.
Guiart (1956), Un siecle de demi de contacts culturels a Tanna. pp.78-79.
Harcombe, D., (1992). Vanuatu, A Travel Survivor Kit. Lonely Planet Publications, Australia.
Huffman, K., (2000). Anthropologist, Vanautu Cultural Center. Curator, National Museum of Vanuatu,(1980-1997). Personal interviews with author.
Lemus-Flores, C., (2001). Genetic Analysis of Mexican Hairless Pig Populations. Journal of Animal Science, 2001, (79) pp.3021-3026.
Lindstrom, L., (2000). Dept. of  Anthropology, University of Tulsa, Tulsa Oklahoma, USA. Personal interviews with author.
McIntyre, J., (1997). Investigations into the Relative Abundance and Anatomy of Intersexual. Pigs ( Sus sp.) in the Republic of Vanuatu. Science in New Guinea Vol. 22(3).
Numake, T., (2000). President, Tanna Council of Chiefs, Tanna, Vanuatu. Personal interviews with author McIntyre.
Oliver, W.L.R.,(Editor) (1993). Pigs, Peccaries, and Hippos. Status, Survey, and Action Plan. I.U.C.N., Kelvyn Press, USA.
Weightman, B., (1989). Agriculture in Vanuatu. British Friends of Vanuatu. Grosvenor Press Ltd., Portsmouth.